Page 36
October 29, 2011
Well, a week, late, but hopefully it will be another two comic weekend, so that would at least put me back on schedule.. sort of. So many plans are in the works, and November is looking to be a very busy month.
This coming weekend is still up in the air, but there should be something small.
The following weekend will be my cousin’s wedding: 11/11/11. I love it! And my girl will be in the ceremony.
After that is AnimeUSA: 11/18-20 where I will have mini comic and character buttons galore.
Finally, Thanksgiving. Plans again are in the air as to if there will be weekend travel or not.
And on top of a month of busy weekends is NaNoWriMo. That means a little extra time set aside for a little writing every day, provided I put the comic first. There may even be a little extra (special) development for RH during this creative time.
Thanks for reading.
Cheers. Meg
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