Page 31
August 27, 2011
Yay, Sheyan is back! I’ve been waiting to bring her back, and she’s going to be around again for a while. And for the time, keeping an eye on our wayward merchant companion. This will hopefully be entertaining.
And as for our main pair, well… they have some excitement in store for them.
And as for me, I apologize for now being officially another week behind. I will continue to endeavour to catch up and hopefully reach a goal of a comic a week by the end of the year. As we are now at page 31, that means another 21 in the next 18 weeks, so that I will have a total of 52. It doens’t seem lofty, by a stretch, but it’s also not as easy as it seems when I keep getting distracted by other things in my free time…. I’m so weak. 🙂
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